About Pencil Camera v1.0.5 This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.
Please make sure your phone has “Pencil Camera v1.0.5 apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box. You have two options, either put the Download Pencil Camera v1.0.5 apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.Pencil Camera v1.0.5
Pencil Camera v1.0.5 apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Take pictures with amazing pencil sketch effect with realtime preview.
Take pictures with amazing pencil sketch effect in realtime or apply it to photos from your gallery.
- 4 effects: colored pencil draw, pencil sketch, chalk, old photo
- processing photos from your gallery
- processing photos up to resolution 1600×1200
- share photos to facebook or send via mail directly from application
- supports multiple cameras (face camera), where available
Free Pencil Camera v1.0.5 apk

Tags: android, apk, apps, download, free, free android apk, free android apps, Free Pencil Camera apk download, Free Pencil Camera app apk, Pencil Camera v1.0.5 android apk download, Pencil Camera v1.0.5 apk download
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