About EasyMoney v1.6.6 This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.
Please make sure your phone has “EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box. You have two options, either put the Download EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.EasyMoney v1.6.6
EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk
Requirements: Android OS 1.6 +
Overview: Manage your personal finance anytime anywhere with EasyMoney!
EasyMoney is the #1 money manager app that combines an expense tracker, a bill reminder, a checkbook register and a budget planner!
Features include:
EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk
-Track expenses quickly & easily! Business expenses, personal expenses, travel expenses etc can all be tracked rapidly using EasyMoney’s simple and intuitive user interface
-Split transactions supported for more detailed income & expense tracking
-Export captured data as QIF & CSV to desktop money managers (eg. Quicken) for expense reporting etc.
-Includes a Home Screen Widget for even faster expense tracking
-Receive notifications of upcoming and overdue bills – for both one-time payments as well as recurring bills
-Interactive Reports & Graphs let you analyse income, expenses, cash flow and balance over various customizable date ranges.
-Budgeting made fun and easy! Set monthly budgets on specific accounts and/or categories and monitor them via color-coded budget health bars
-Fully customizable income and expense categories for even greater budgeting flexibility
-Take Photos of Bills & Receipts
-Integrated Checkbook Manager
-Track income and expenses for multiple accounts in multiple currencies
-Setup repeating transactions
-Support transfers between accounts
-Lock application using a 4-digit security pin
-Backup data onto SD card
-Daily automated backup creation
What’s in this version:
EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk
Added support for devices without built-in camera
Calculator input mode reverted back to being optional.
Fixed some force close issues.
Free EasyMoney v1.6.6 apk

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