About Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1 This is a short guide explaining how you can install an app you found here on your phone. I’m also going to show you a way that’s a lot easier then the standard method everyone uses.
Please make sure your phone has “Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1 apk” enabled in it’s settings! To check this go to Settings -> Applications -> Unknown Sources and check the box. You have two options, either put the Download Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1 apk file onto your phone’s SD card or download and install it directly from your phone.Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1
Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1 apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: Requires *FULL ROOT* (aka NAND unlocked or S-OFF) and *BUSYBOX*. If you don’t know what either means then there is a chance this won’t work for you. A custom recovery is also highly recommended, but not a requirement.
Not all custom firmwares may work, but MIUI does. Fonts are not included in the application. Check out the (free) ad-supported version if unsure whether this will work for you.
Font Changer allows you to switch the default system font on your Android device (will replace the keyboard font too for a fresh typing experience). It creates an automatic backup of the default fonts at the beginning. When removing the application it should be done from inside its settings to restore your default fonts.
Further features include:
* Replace individual fonts using the font picker
* Screen density changer which allows you to virtually increase/decrease the size to make things appear bigger/smaller (not MIUI compatible)
* Quick reboot (not MIUI compatible)
* Font previews
* Localisation in English, Russian, Polish, Korean, Bulgarian, and Spanish
Fonts are not included for legal reasons. Information on how to add fonts and how to use Font Changer is inside the application. For more information check out the website. If you have any problems (that includes requests for refunds) please send an email, I cannot reply to comments. Thank you.
Permissions explained:
* REBOOT – to reboot the device (achieved through root anyway)
* WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – moving and deleting fonts
* INTERNET – checking the license server (if you ever get a license error try again in a few minutes as this usually depends on Google’s servers)
Free Font Changer (root, donate) v2.1.1 apk

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